The transfer is carried out through redirects the structure is formed using a table according to the scheme current url – redirect – new url. Each page is assigned an individual cell in the table which will help you not to miss a single url and mark addresses from which redirection has already been configured. Experts in the field of seo in tandem with developers create correspondence tables within which automatic updates occur based on certain characteristics for example by product code. Content and meta tags old content must be preserved and cannot be updated or deleted.
This approach will ensure that you attract traffic for relevant queries. You need to do the same with meta tags; if you still want to change them then wait until the move and initial indexing after which you can make changes. How to hide a site or a separate page from indexing in google and yandex search engines. Read also how to hide a site or a separate page from indexing in google and yandex search engines. Seo Mobile App Development Service promotion what to do with a website redesignwhat else needs to be done. Perform interlinking by connecting different pages with internal links. The presence of linking speeds up the indexing process and provides .fort for users. Check the sitemap.xml to ensure the url is correct. Check the counter codes on the old and new sites using google analytics and yandex.metrics.
During the process of moving check the robots.txt file and make sure that the .disallow . will not be included in the search. In the same file set the .host. Directive which will help search bots determine the main mirror of the site. Request re indexing by sending the sitemap.xml file to google search console and yandex.webmaster. Check the correctness of the redirects after the move. Finally after moving the site re check using audit elements. Identify the presence of factors that interfere with indexing check redirects track statistics until positive dynamics appear. Another important factor is collecting the opinions of users who will react differently to the updated design.