本帖最後由 harunur01999 於 2024-2-27 12:21 編輯
The forms show signs of life Give yourapplication users the best interaction with dialog forms. Signals trapped inthe “Window Moved” and “Window Resized” event connections are % functional indialog boxes. These signals can be used to add very interesting functionalitiesto our applications, such as: Knowing in programming and in real time theposition and size of a dialog box. And add great functionality for users suchas saving the position and size of a window and recovering said position andsize when reopening it.
Give your application users the best interactionwith dialog forms. Velneo Register now and our team will be in touchvery soonUse the open JWT standard more safely The use of JWT helps to design amodular archit Cell Phone Number List ecture that is easier to maintain, evolve, and with secureinformation exchange. The use of the JSON Web Token standard, known as JWT, isincreasingly common. In Velneo there are already functions to work from theVelneo API for JavaScript with JWT objects, and in this version we have made functionaland security improvements.
The object now allows theJSON contained in the payload to include the keys in any order, withoutrequiring them to be in alphabetical order. : Now in the payload you can add the key "exp" tocheck if it is expired. And using the new hasExpired function you will detectif it has expired, thus being able to avoid malicious use. JWT has become a defacto standard and its use is highly recommended for the exchange of informationbetween modules or secured applications.